During the evolution of vertebrae, from fish to amphibians, from birds to mammals, the development of a warmth organism, or warmth organization can be observed, through which the organism becomes gradually independent from temperatures of the surroundings. In humans, the regulation of body temperature is most developed; the blood flow through the skin is more developed than in any other mammalian organism, and regulates body temperature through vasoconstriction and vasodilatation, and through production and perfusion of sweat by the sweat glands. Missing a thick layer of hair (fur), the human body is susceptible to changes in temperature in the environment.
Therefore, in order to maintain a stable core temperature, the human organism must be able to adjust to changes in temperature quickly, easily and effectively. Isothermia and augmentation of adaptation to changes in temperature are evolutionarily connected with the development of the circadian rhythm of the core temperature. In addition, the exchange of warmth between core temperature and the temperature of the environment, or periphery, or skin, is another example of the augmentation of the possibilities for maintaining a stable core temperature.
New-borns have not yet developed a functioning circadian rhythm. Only after about 4 weeks do day rhythms start to occur. In adults, the circadian rhythm forms a sinus curve with maxima and minima around 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM respectively. The amplitude is usually around 0.6°C. In cancer patients, and patients with other chronic diseases, like chronic viral infections and degenerative diseases, not only does the circadian rhythm of the core temperature change significantly and become chaotic, but the amplitude also becomes flat and the delicate interaction between core and peripheral temperatures is disturbed.
In the last two decades of the 20th century, a better understanding of the effects of fever has lead to a renewed interest in the immunological effects in acute and chronic diseases. Various organs need a specific temperature to function optimally. The average resting temperature gradient between core temperature and the periphery (skin) is usually from 37°C to 34°C to 25°C at room temperature. The inner organs do not have equal temperatures either. Depending on their metabolic activities and blood perfusion, each inner organ has a different and changing core temperature by itself (kidneys, liver, lungs, testicles, etc.). The only exception might be the mid-brain with its hypothalamus, where functions like breathing, hunger and thirst, sexuality, blood pressure and body temperature are regulated. Here, the core temperature is kept very constant at approximately 37°C. Of all the regulatory systems, warmth regulation is one of the most developed ones, expressing its importance for the overall survival of the individual.
Transpiration is the visible and invisible mechanism of giving off warmth through the skin to the environment. Sweating is the intensified and noticeable form of transpiration. However, transpiration and sweating only leads to cooling if the water can be evaporated. Evaporation is one of the most effective ways to get rid of excessive warmth. Evaporation is stimulated by airflow. If there is no airflow, a thin layer of water (sweat) will cover the skin and evaporation becomes almost impossible. In case of Whole Body hyperthermia, airflow is carefully inhibited, sweating is increased and thus, the loss of warmth is put to a hold and the body temperature rises, producing fever. Peripheral vasodilatation and increased blood flow will bring more blood to the surface (skin) and the warmer the skin, the better the loss of warmth through radiation of infrared waves (5,000 to 20,000nm). High-gloss aluminum folia will reflect these infrared waves and bring about an increase of the body temperature in Whole Body Hyperthermia.
There are several methods to increase the core body temperature, ranging from hot water and paraffin baths, sauna and sauna-alike settings, extra-corporal warming of the blood, high-frequency waves, and infrared radiation. In the electro-magnetic spectrum, infrared waves are the first invisible waves next to visible light. The radiation of infrared waves is a characteristic of all bodies above the absolute zero point. In nature, the sun is the most effective source of infrared radiation, supporting all life processes on earth. Most of all, short-wave infrared radiation penetrates through the skin and reaches the blood flow under the skin. Through this mechanism, the local blood temperature is increased, spreading the warmth throughout the body and causing the core temperature to rise.
In our BioMed Reversal Program we use 3 different overheating (hyperthermia) methods:
1. Ultrasound
2. Electro-Magnetic Field (Local Electro Hyperthermia)
3. Infrared-A-Irradiation (Systemic Whole Body Hyperthermia)
See follow the working principles: