Modern and enlightened people know better; there is no way to reverse aging, but we can embrace Intelligent Aging.
Intelligent Aging answers the individual’s need to live a long, energized, and happy life. By employing the principles and therapies of Integrative and Regenerative Medicine, it is able to target the source of degeneration by repairing, regenerating, and restoring optimum function at the cellular level.
As an individual ages, the cells in the body start to function poorly and begin to degenerate. This is a result of various degenerative processes, toxic environmental exposure, and poor lifestyle habits. Despite advances in science and medicine, people are getting sicker. People are now living unhappy and shorter sickly lives, suffering form an array of bodily symptoms and heavily dependent on synthetic drugs to symptomatically treat their ailments, carrying due side effects from the prolonged use. This promotes a vicious cycle of dependency on their medications, which seems to both treat and kill at the same time.
These packages respond to the need to slow down the aging process, and remain youthful and energized to be able to live the life that you desire. A complete customized package promotes the cycle of care within your program. It starts with a comprehensive screening that utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic assessment. Treatments include detoxification strategies to cleanse your system, infusion to provide a boost of multiple vitamins and minerals, as well as biophysical revitalization strategies aimed at regulating and improving cell function.
Furthermore, optimization cell therapy injections or targeted therapies (e.g. cell extracts, ultra filtrates, growth factors (PRP), stem cells) are administered for the repair, regeneration, and rejuvenation of your whole being. A one-month supply of maintenance supplementation is included in each package to ensure a daily source of micronutrients, antioxidants, multi-vitamins, and minerals.
Cell Optimization
- Adipose Stem Cells
- Umbilical Cord Stem Cells
- Xenogenic Stem Cells
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Peptides & Growth Factors

Male Enhancement
- Shock Wave Therapy
- Blood Laser Therapy
- Infusion Therapy
- Hormone Therapy
- Penile Enlargement
Lifestyle Reversal Therapies
- Brain Booster
- Fatigue
- Revitalize
- Anti-Stress

Facial Treatments
- Mesotherapy
- Lifting
- Botox
- Filler
- RF Therapy
- Ultrasound